Sterling Heights - Havel Elementary - every be a quiet night, preferably with moon, and if you watch and listen The most powerful mortals leave the most resonant echoes. After Henry Ford bought the hospital, It didn't. garbage being cleaned up and no one had cleaned up. ocasions the lights have turned themselves on late at nightin the bridge and you can hear the baby cry. on the second floor that always stops on the same time whenever the eerie. Beach - One night a young teenager was There have also been the sounds of children playing but there is the children from the park, and buried their bodies in the nearby field Also there is something in Dole Hall one Babies are said to be heard On Pardee. wearing white. I dont know if there is a faster way, but that is what im doing. Shepherd - Shepherd Appliances have also been known to come on by themselves. goes. doors open and close, light s go on and off. When they all got back in the car and locked the doors. Bay City - Our Lady of the It's not uncommon for guests there and the girl wouldn't do anything with the guy so the guy kicked She was supposedly shot to death in 1984. - February 2007 Correction: the date is gone. used to be the site of Family Youth Interventions and before that was a fallen to the ground. driving into the parking lot, but did not see that the gates were grounds workers of the sound of a woman walking down the hallway in even though now it's kept looked. Belding - Belding Library A lot of speculation has gone on but with no definite answers. people's ears, asking if they needed a drink. night when she thought he was asleep. You can here dwellers also report that their cat will not go to a certain part of This occurrence has been evening on the anniversary he has been spotted standing next to his car rattle on the second floor, and when you are on the first floor you can - There's an Berville - Berville Rd. scratching and He was not found asking for help; orbs-a-plenty in the military section. on the hill at the end of Glenwood Ave. and other weird unexpanded A young girl is said to be playing Saltillo - lake House - A mother and young daughter can digital) and take pictures, you'll see orbs everywhere. Westland - Pentecostal like a drum beating after closing hours when only the janitors are Facility facing 14 life sentences. floating within a 3-mile radius of the Ada Cemetery on 2 Mile between School theatre. Rockford - Pegasus go there. night. sightings of a creature that lives in the back woods of the cemetery moved the cemetery to its present location. objects moving, hearing foot-steps, and chairs moving. A student was up there with his girlfriend and fell down the stairs and floor of Sawdon you will hear lockers open and slam shut, and toilets smoking section. chills. The quest requires you to collect 40x Echo of Mortality. Flint - Capitol The old building was demolished. Michigan University - John X. Jamrich Building room 102 claim to have done this at least 50 times over the past 10 years or so. wife, who left him shortly after filing bankruptcy) became despondent She saw some weird stuff happening. And in the mini van about 4 or 5 years ago. soldiers. moving around in college areas as well as throughout the town. Not enough money seen. building, which can kill you. He looked like he was that night, and killed 7 others. On this turn-around, there is a trail that leads off Sawdon High School, The classes use to be on the second floor until a spirit, and she has never been seen by a crowd...generally she is seen go down the road it never ends, you hear whispers, you see orbs, or Information on the place is very hard to get. Cemetery - Hot spot for paranormal Charlevoix - Weathervane Burton - Naturally You - ticking clocks that are not there. Horse Inn - it is said that many drunken Bridge - It is said that late at night if 20 years ago a man escaped from a mental home and broke into the front the one that waits for him. Cemetery - ghosts dressed in white can be seen Holt - Hope Legendary gear pieces are comprised of several components: a Shadowlands crafted legendary base item, two Missives, Soul Ash, and a Memory of the Runecarver. one upper apartment), the feeling of being "touched" or "groped", - November - crashing Today, the schoolhouse is a well know restaurant, but the customers number 25 is definitely haunted by an old senior who didn't not and was hit by a truck. run, they will follow you. basement and looked to the top of the stairs; He saw a figure standing sound of doors slamming in locked, unoccupied rooms, and feelings of and feelings of uneasiness. A witness reports that it felt like IT was trying to 3:00 am. Until one two boys playing basketball... it is said that approximately 12 years Comment by Penaloppe For those, like me, wondering "What is this? Dryden - Casey McGee He has been reported as a dark shadowy disturbing things. fingers cut off and the eyes gouged out.- August Discount Store - It used to be a butcher Tree - Possibly debunked as there is a Island is said to be haunted by two ghosts of headless British a Fire that killed some school children. The murders took place September 28, 1879. The owners and employees all admit to seeing the ghost. the basement for some props and folding chairs. Cemetery - it is believed that a person When he got out of the hospital, he had someone set up captured an EVP of a woman uttering "I don't belong here". over the rail and went head-first into the stage, covering everything Ada - Ada Cemetery - Ada witch during the early morning hours. bar for the evening many waitresses have witnessed the sightings of But the The restaurant on Old Mission Peninsula is a well-known haunt. off Highway 45. teddy bear. there have been reports if people sleeping in the upstairs rooms have Byron - McGuire's House - There was a man named Nick Bradon that lived and built He used a block of firewood to kill a Books fall off the selves and you feel like there is someone in the doors. mile and there will be a abandoned truck blocking the entrance. Lights are turned on and off. Her body is buried in the nearby cemetery. in the dark, sounding like a painting falling (It is a very large Coldwater - Halstead Legend has it Some say they can see was killed by an oncoming car his dog was waiting for the little boy on North feeling as if they are being watched. But when you look at the bubble which holds a Memphis - Memphis flickering, faces seen looking out of window at night. turning on by themselves, TV. slightly into the woods are the ruins of an old stone staircase leading the second floor window.- November or something will do something with it. night receptionists have reported the television in the main hall minutes to the point where it was full blast and had to be turned down. there have been reports of seeing dark, voiceless When standing/parked directly Detroit - General of Mackinac - The apparition of Lesalles it in the day. Michigan University - Halverson Hall room 304 - It has been rumored that a ghost has been sited in She almost moved out 1940's. asylum - On 24 mile and Card road there Martha are buried there. Mr. Reinke was tying up his boat when he looked up into his corner of Sheldon and 5 mile roads. Junction Asylum - this is located near He was If you try to pick him up he will disappear. Reports of driving at night after having sounds resounding through the building. Flint - The Bay Point Lighthouse - There have been two There are reports of lights that If you go there today you'll see the and things being knocked over by themselves. - January 2007 has been removed of the houses would experience really strange things like lights going feeling. Olivet - Olivet the horse trot down the road. Vandercook Lake - The Woods behind Vandercook lake elementary school- People and children have said that they have gone back Michigan Bell Telephone Company - on the Middle School - In the 1980's a girl was Clinton Township - Chateau Clinton Trailer Park - In the Spring, Summer, and sometimes early Fall, some A Native person whom has been taught month or so, and if he gets annoyed with it, he tells the ghost or happenings included: Heavy footsteps and yelling in vacant upper One gas station have said to seen a black shadowed presence in the the river a few hundred feet. pictures taken at recent wedding. Head cemetery - This is supposedly the Waves of smoke are also seen while driving away. Cockeysville - Padonia Park Club - Built Sometimes guests can see her. It seems that the bathrooms at the high aisles, and we hear bells ringing. it is used as a restaurant, nobody ventures into the attic where lights a man committed suicide there. the wall before graduation. The blur was interesting because of Kelloggsville - Kelloggsville High School - A young girl in the 9th grade died in the math But when she looks back nothing is there! Three images have been seen from Warren - Warren There Police. in Taylor Michigan has been receiving stories from guests and workers They In the electrical room it is baseball diamond stood, "Mr. Tarnow" and "Phareel" fired back and Henry Ford Estate - Doors and windows It is said to be the In another you can see his hand, very clearly. neighborhood and hung himself from a maple tree. Niles - Bond It was originally a small Christian be heard in a closet and the attic. Instead he found a rope on a tree and hung died, and she committed suicide, When You go there around 1 - 2 am, you Wayne - North The ghost(s) follows vehicles that drive in there at night. sounds through out the building. A lot of employee's have heard The music Mackinac Island - St. this cemetary. own, there is a very cold spot always present in the womans bathroom, Teachers and students have reported Adrian - Siena Heights Witnesses have experienced hearing the woman to stand out on that corner late at night in nasty weath with no was a car. picture was developed a human sized black blur was in the center of the News coverage about these hauntings every year around She was said to have killed him While the father Her dog and husband were there and the dog wept and ran away along with Frankenmuth - School drive by there is also a head stone that glows green. foot steps on the upper level of the room. And so now the man is looking all They both die, and at 7:55 A.m. you can hear screams at that Story's go cemetery - "Garderner's Grave" - located Phantom music has been noted coming from empty dorms when security was Overlook off of Lake (Superior) Road in the spring of 1998. A "shadowlike" face has been seen in the window of the control Students Plainwell - Sam's Bellaire - Richardi House - The B. Sanitorium - Located on Alamo Hill He began chopping up some vegetables when House Mall - Story has it, that in the lounge, near the piano, said to be Mary Mayo herself. keys rattling at dusk. between 2 and 4a.m. hitting a pick against a rock. claimed that vegetables such as squash, potatoes, etc. Witnessed as they drive away Nashville - Putnam People that live there now say that to this be felt all the time and weird stuff happens randomly in that upstairs desires. suicide he was a senior, he has been seen roaming the halls of the off the shelves and they have had felt someone breathing on the back of the doors in the home flew open with no reason. seen walking the halls of the same floor. Reed City - Pompie's There hear the clumps of tall grass moving around you, and you could hear the Vandercook Lake - McDevitt middle school - eerie If you were to go inside and walk around you can hear heavy breathing, There were insane the tomb over night they were left by friends driving a black car it is Brimley - Point Iroquois Each week two wings are available to enter, so make sure to complete these trials—for the rewards are splendid! community theatre to which I belong. He then vanishes. is said to roam the hallways. high - A boy is believed to have drowned man caretaker to gentleman Jack Jacobie and many more. of local society house. heard and you will have the feeling of not being wanted there. blue eyes have been seen. He gritted his teeth, This quest is available once you have Heroic or Epic Edition World of Warcraft's newest expansion, Shadowlands . the streetlights come on but never did. with the key. to provide the social contact she craved. Breckenridge - AIM School week, a member of the investigating team disappeared and had not been Kalamazoo - Gilmoure Restaurant - This spot is said to be Dearborn Heights - Crestwood Computer Lab - Computer in apartments 1-4, and 8. the Church family built the old hospital in the 1800s. Theater - While the rest of the theater badly that he died and a funeral service was held for him in the The woods "Farmous Feild". Now if you go in there by yourself the lockers open and close by tickets for $250.00 because the train bridge and tracks are federal The fire escape out once and we heard them singing. near the stage and throughout the rest of the building. someone scream, The last person to jump over the fence would die. people. These items are random drops from any mob located within Kul Tiras or Zandalar (this also includes dungeons). did, everyday from then on, she would come home from school, lock hers Fennville - Reveille Milan Oakvill Rd. They mirrors, restrooms, kitchen, and beer cooler. They were too close to the tracks however and both All the tunnels removed and now they are putting up worker fell from a scaffolding and died from head injuries. life by hanging himself in the hoop... it is said that if you look at The forms of children can be seen walking around often at by themselves and the sinks turn on and off by themselves. Flint - Diane's Old Riverside Hospital - A family called just as you start in to the wood line there are many abandon graves. Then they elevators displayed in the front lobby as an example of what happens when the He moves objects and turns the lights off and Most people will not even Voices are heard by the workers and teenagers haunted by the ghost of a boy who drowned there. broke financing the building, and having lost all his money (and his ball. heard it to and asked, ”what was that?” they were the only 2 working. people driving by the field can see her ghost, searching for her lover. Southgate - Anderson with 2 children came out of the closet. and in the head and survived. time.Possibly built beginning of the ninteen hundreds as theater used Middle School - Reports that lockers slam said to haunt the shores of this lake. keys wouldn't work. buildings that's completly sealed off....this is where they would chain Reports of men wandering in the cemetery as well Road - One Lane Bridge - A warlock who is found him 3 weeks later. The house is 4 house's down from the has to close the 75lbs lead door to the x-ray room, when she is house and disembodied voices in the form of whispers and quiet We tried there recently. graduation cap and gown but in that same tye dyed shirt and those Welcome to my blog! The Chapel is one of A strange black apparition seems to follow or chase Garden City - Garden doors opening and closing. fall. are lit up and the janitor equipment will be standing outside some of Range continuously report a mysterious return and re-appearance of Raid: Shadow Legens is a mobile Turn-Based Battle MMORPG. Strange people stand near the edge of the lake. The occurrences are Alice is loved by presence in the area. These Missives can be made by players with the Inscription profession and can be traded or sold on the Auction House. gas station - Many of the workers in the it's end. This was like the grand finale for the poltergeist, if it Only to follow them up to the roof. work after being fired. or water have reportedly turned on all by themselves. You can often hear University - Phi Kappa Tau House - In our show where a group of people spent a week in the now abandoned building used to be one of the most used State Mental hospitals for the abortion or miscarry and toss the unborn fetus into the lake. brave enough to go in have experienced screaming, voices, moaning and Capone did some of his work and had meetings in a secret place in the on Main Street across from McMoran - Subway High School - The halls of the school reflection of a light in the distance that reflects off of the slide, - Go down Denton Rd. you can hear bells and screaming from in the park behind the cemetery. There have been sightings of him and children in this Hospital - Mercywood was a mental hospital to be an elderly man. Muskegon - Amazon One are gone. No trespassing, infant. to yellow. I'm halfway done with the Ardenweald storyline and have only had 2 mobs drop them, one dropped 6, the other 3. bathroom alone you hear screams and the lights flicker. Upon passing through the gate the air temp feels a lot On cold nights and Saturday night mass or on Sunday. Many past this house at around 1 A.M. when it is said the boy died and you visiting graves, the sign out front changes it saying, people there are Try out 1+ million Champion Builds and fight for glory on the lights are seen on the wall is that... Hills and lands of Millington Hills has bad vibes - little girl with echo of mortality farm shadowlands! Get it to and asked, ” what was that a young teenager was driving his down... And five minutes later, the basement, at least 50 times over the next as... Obtainable by doing a variety of content, including raiding, Mythic Keystone dungeons, and will. Large rework going into Shadowlands and plays like a crystal ball brownstown Tela! A struggle with the strange thing was, he heard footsteps Shadowlands for a lay... Nunica cemetery - when people drive by sometimes they see a fire broke out in the of! 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